To establish educational institutions and Skill Development Centres

  • Primary education is provided to children in villages who are unable to attain basic learning.
  • Middle and High education language and mathematic pedagogy are taught to underprivileged students through the district.
  • Free books and indispensable items required are yielded to all the students.

The main objective of the foundation is to establish all types of Educational Institutions and facilities. IYF will arrange and organize quiz, seminars & excursions, and for the diffusion of knowledge, it shall establish start and operate schools, up to 10th level & +2 level, Under Graduate and Post Graduate Colleges, Skills and training centres. We promote and encourage the advancement of literacy cultural, political, religious, sports, art & craft, music & dance, scientific and technical education. We want to open a centre for children who drop out of school and provide shelter to students who are abandoned or orphaned.